Feedback on our service

The results we get and what people have to say

A group comprising of five women and four men, standing in front of a decorative red garden gate, all smiling at the camera.

Our impact

In 2022/23, across Pan Cheshire, our Missing From Home service:

  • received 4,375 missing notifications for children and young people
  • completed 2,756 Return Home Interviews with young people to help keep them safe
  • engaged 70% of children and young people who’d returned from a period of being missing in our service
  • 100% of young people that completed a Return Home Interview stated that it had helped them to keep safe.

What young people say

  • "I can't thank you enough, you've been more help to me than anyone."

  • “I like it when you come and see me, you're alright!”

  • “I feel like you’ve understood where I need support and done something about it.”

  • “I feel like you’ve really listened to me about what’s going on for me and not just listening to what everyone else has got to say!”

  • “I've really enjoyed talking with you and I know I have to talk about my feelings now when I feel low. Please can I see you again?”

  • “I think our time helps because you always make me go for walks when I can't be bothered and it helps me feel better.”

  • “I knew I shouldn't have gone out when mum told me no. But now I know the dangers.”

From parents, carers and professionals

“Kelly has really put the healthy relationship work to use with her boyfriend and for the first time since they got together, has spent time apart from him; she's agreed to go to the GP for [support with] self-harm for the first time; she’s blocked some of her friends that have been using drugs and alcohol and on top of this, [she] has turned friends down on 3 occasions about going missing and actually quoted some of the risks from your sessions.”

Feedback from parent

"CYP doesn't like to speak to professionals and previously has been worried and frightened to speak to them. Since you've started working with him he has felt more comfortable with speaking to the family intervention worker and also school staff. Thank you for the work you're doing with him"

Feedback from parent

“I’ve seen a massive improvement in CYP's behaviour since you have been meeting weekly. Having another male to speak to about things is massively helpful. CYP has now returned to school, has stopped using cannabis and is considering a career in the police force. We can't thank With You enough for the support.”

Feedback from parent

“Thank you so much for your dedication with CYP. He has not engaged with professionals in the past who have then just given up. But your continued efforts in persevering to engage him with a RHI has been really nice to see and shows that patience has paid off!”

Feedback from carer

“I wanted to thank you for the help you have given us in supporting our young person with her missing episodes. It can be difficult to engage with her as she can be very defensive. You have been patient and understanding of her whilst remaining open and transparent, allowing her to trust & open up to you. You have opened a clear line of communication with myself and the staff team and when we encountered an issue with alerts being sent following a reported missing, you were instrumental in guiding us to resolve the issue. Thank you for all of your help and support.”

Residential Placement Manager

“Thanks for building such a positive relationship with CYP. It shows how much effort you have put in to build such a good rapport with CYP by him sharing the information he does with you. ”

Feedback from professional

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We provide support without judgment

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