CBT-based guided self-help

While you are waiting to meet your therapist, there's lots you can do to prepare yourself for therapy. Find out how to access CBT-based guided self-help.

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While you are waiting for therapy

We want to provide you with support as soon as we can - but sometimes there's a waiting list for therapy. This is dependent on the type of therapy which is right for you, and the availability of therapists who deliver that type of therapy. 

After your initial appointment with us, and once we know which type of therapy is right for you, we'll advise you on availability and timescales.

If you're asked to wait, we will stay in touch with you regularly during this time. 

Access CBT-based guided self help

You can access CBT-based guided self-help straight away through an online digital programme called Silvercloud.

Silvercloud is designed to help you to understand your problems and make positive changes in your life. It is a useful tool to use in preparation for starting other types of therapy. 

You can use Silvercloud whilst you are waiting to start treatment with a therapist, or as an option on its own. 

To access Silvercloud, you’ll need a phone, tablet or computer. Choose the modules most relevant to you and work through them at your own pace.

There’s no waiting time for Silvercloud so you can start it straightaway.

Sign up to Silvercloud

Learn more about CBT-based guided self help.