Community Links services in Scotland

Our Community Links Workers provide support with a variety of social, financial, mental health and practical challenges.

Two people sitting at a table, holding mugs with the text "WithYou" visible on one of them.

Our Community Link workers in Scotland

Our Community Link workers are based in GP practices in Scotland.

Although Community Link Workers aren’t part of the NHS, we work closely with GPs and practice staff. We have experience of working in a range of areas including social care, charities, community work, drug and alcohol support, housing and money advice.

Where to find our Community Links workers

Our Community Link Workers are based in GP practices in two areas of Scotland. 

What can a Community Link worker help me with?

While your GP and practice nurse offer treatments for medical issues, they often don’t have time to explore other types of support with their patients. This is where Community Link Workers come in.

We’re able to spend more time with you, exploring other resources and techniques that may be helpful to you.

Here are some of the problems we can help with:

  • loss and bereavement
  • loneliness and social isolation
  • relationship problems
  • feeling low or anxious
  • unemployment or difficulties at work
  • worries about money, debt or housing
  • supporting you to join activities in your community

Community Link Workers can also help you with digital skills. We can support you to get online so you can manage your finances, stay in touch with friends and family, or access online support.

Is it confidential?

We won't share your information with anyone else unless:

  • you give us permission
  • we're concerned about your safety or someone else’s

What will happen when I go to see a Community Link worker?

Our Community Link workers are friendly, non-judgemental people who are there to listen and support you, whatever you’re having difficulty with.

You can talk to us face to face, over the phone or via a video link – whatever works for you.

Community Link workers will always be guided by your goals and priorities. You’ll be able to take things at your own pace and you’ll never have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.