20 September 2023

With You comments on Minimum Unit Pricing (Scotland)


With You comments on Minimum Unit Pricing (Scotland)

The Scottish Government is to consult on a proposal to raise the minimum unit price of alcohol to 65p.

A 50p minimum price per unit was introduced in 2018, but that legislation will expire in April 2024.

Research suggests the policy has become less effective because of inflation.

Graeme Callander, policy lead at With You, says: “We believe the minimum unit price of alcohol should be increased to 65p to match inflation and ensure that this continues to be an effective measure in tackling our nation’s complex relationship with alcohol.

“There is extensive evidence to show that when the price of alcohol goes up, consumption decreases - and when the price goes down, consumption increases.

“But minimum unit pricing cannot be delivered in isolation. The Scottish Government also needs to commit to the provision of well-funded and readily available support and treatment services for people with alcohol dependence.

“In 2022, 1,276 people in Scotland died because of alcohol - and this ongoing increase is a pattern we have seen for more than 10 years. As a nation, we need to better acknowledge the depth of this issue in order to change behaviours and save lives.”

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