Drug and alcohol support for women

We take every step to make our drug and alcohol support services welcoming and easy to access for women, and as discreet as possible. We'll work with you to find a solution to any challenges.

A joyful woman with braided hair sits on a park bench, smiling at the camera, with sunlit trees and yellow flowers in the background.

Drug and alcohol support for women

If you're concerned about your drug use - or someone else’s - we're here to help you. You’ll find a warm welcome and free, non-judgmental support and advice from WithYou services and teams across England and Scotland. 

Every woman's experience is different and unique but as a group, women often have very specific concerns when it comes to accessing drug and alcohol support.

You might be thinking about ways in which getting support could impact you or your family. You may also have practical challenges such as work or childcare commitments that make it difficult to get to appointments or find time to talk. You might be worried about what we, or others, might think of you.

We offer a range of different types of support to treat substance use issues:

You can access any of these treatment options. 

We adapt our standard approaches to make them more user friendly and accessible for women.

Drug and alcohol support for women

We adapt our standard approaches to make them more user friendly and accessible for women.

Some of our groups and meetings have female only attendance. Others focus on specific women’s issues, such as pregnancy, relationships and female specific health issues. We also offer support which can help you to deal with trauma you may have experienced. 

As part of your recovery plan, you can give your preference on the types of interventions you feel are most suitable for you. You're also given preference over the type of worker you will receive support from. If you would prefer to have appointments with a female worker, then just let us know when you get in touch with us and we will arrange this for you. 

You're welcome to come to our service buildings, but we understand some may find this difficult. If it suits you better, we can also meet you in a location in your community, in your home, or we can carry out your appointments through phone or video calls. 

Here at WithYou, we want you to feel safe and comfortable when seeking support, and your privacy is really important to us.

Everything you tell us, whether in person or online, is confidential. The only time this might change is if we have serious concerns about your own or someone else’s safety.

We also know that family and/or work commitments can make it difficult to attend appointments. We can structure your appointments around you and your commitments.

The majority of our services have at least one late evening opening and weekend appointments. 

If you are someone who is experiencing domestic abuse then we understand that accessing support can be particularly difficult.

Please be reassured that we are experienced in managing these types of situations sensitively. If you're able to make contact with us, we can discuss the ways we can manage your care safely.

This might include using a false name, using video calls for your appointments and we often work closely with domestic abuse providers so that we can offer you appointments in their centres together with them. 

We work closely with a range of partners who provide services to women. This means that if you need to access support from a number of different agencies, we will work together to make the experience easier for you.

This might include having joint appointments, so that you only need to come to one appointment rather than several, and also sharing information, so that you don’t need to keep repeating yourself or revisiting difficult issues. We will ask you what you feel would work best for you. 

If you are already accessing support from an agency then let us know. Or ask your worker within that agency to get in touch with us and we can discuss how we can work together to get the best support in place for you.

We know that some women prefer to access materials digitally and often look for self-help.

In some services, we can provide you with access to a structured programme that you can do at home yourself with remote support from us. This is where you work through a programme yourself in your own time, and we will check in with you to see how you are doing. 

Women's stories

If you use drugs regularly or think you may be dependent...

It’s important not to stop suddenly as you may experience significant withdrawal symptoms and this can be dangerous. Our free and confidential services can help you detox safely, contact your local service or talk to us online for advice.

Find support

Looking for support with drugs, alcohol, or your mental health?

Contact one of our 80 local services across England and Scotland for free, confidential support and advice.

Not ready for an in-person service? Chat to one of our trained recovery workers online to get free, confidential advice and information.

Talk to a trained recovery worker

1-2 miles - Considered within walking distance threshold, however, cycling, public transport, or a personal vehicle is advised if no safe walking routes.
10-15 miles - Generally between a minimum of 30 mins to 1 hour travel time expected via public transport or personal vehicle. This may depend on form of transport, time of day and/or road layouts.
20-25 miles - Generally between a minimum of 50 minutes to 1.5 hours travel time expected via public transport or personal vehicle. This may depend on form of transport, time of travel and/or road layouts