Tailored employment support (IPS) 

If you've experienced challenges with your mental health, we may be able to support you to find employment, education and training.

A woman with blonde hair and glasses smiling in a conversation with another person with pink hair. A decorative tree is in the background.

What is the employment support programme? 

Our Employment Support programme is a short term employment programme aimed at those whose mental health is affecting their employment, or their ability to get a job. 

If you are someone who is facing difficulties in the workplace, is currently on sick leave due to your mental health, or if you are looking for work, this programme is  right for you. 

Specialist support

You will be given access to a specialist Employment Advisor who will work with you whilst you are also receiving your talking therapies treatment. They will provide you with specialist support around your individual employment needs.

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Providing information, advice and guidance including career advice

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Enhancing your CV and interview techniques

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Providing letters of support

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Strengthening employers' knowledge of reasonable adjustments and supporting mental health in the workplace

How do I access the employment support programme? 

If you are currently receiving talking therapy services, you can speak to your therapist about the employment needs you have and they can refer you for the employment support programme. 

If you are not currently accessing talking therapy services, but want to, please use the NHS talking therapies service finder to find your local service's contact details. 

What happens after I am referred? 

If you are referred to our Employment Support programme, you will be contacted by one of our Employment Advisors to organise an initial appointment. The appointment can be done over the phone, via video call, or they will arrange to meet with you in a community location where you feel comfortable. 

The first meeting will be an opportunity for the Employment Advisor to hear more about your personal situation and to understand what your employment goals are. They will ask you about your current work situation and will talk about the different ways we can support you. Together you will agree on a plan and next steps. 

You will attend up to 6 sessions with your Employment Advisor, through which you will work on the agreed plan.