An smiling elderly man in glasses and a black cap. He sits before a colourfully painted wall.

Argyll and Bute Community Links

Support with social, financial, mental health and practical challenges.

While your GP and practice nurse offer treatments for medical issues, they often don’t have time to explore other types of support with their patients. This is where our Community Link Workers come in.

  • 1:1 support
  • Group activities

How can a Community Link Worker help?

While your GP and practice nurse offer treatments for medical issues, they often don’t have time to explore other types of support with their patients. This is where Community Link Workers come in.

We’re able to spend more time with you, exploring other resources and techniques that may be helpful to you.

Here are some of the problems we can help with:

  • loss and bereavement
  • loneliness and social isolation
  • relationship problems
  • feeling low or anxious
  • unemployment or difficulties at work
  • worries about money, debt or housing
  • supporting you to join activities in your community

Who this service is for

To make an appointment with a Community Link Worker, you need to be:

  • registered with the GP practice in Argyll and Bute
  • aged 18 or over

If you are under 18, your parent or carer can make an appointment for you and come along to the appointment with you. 

A smiling woman with a lanyard sits at a table holding a coffee mug, with informational pamphlets and a whiteboard visible in the background.

What will happen in my meeting?

Our Community Link Workers are friendly, non-judgemental people who are there to listen and support you, whatever you’re having difficulty with.

You’ll usually have between four and six meetings with us.

You can talk to us face-to-face, over the phone or via a video link – whatever works for you.

Community Link Workers will always be guided by your goals and priorities. You’ll be able to take things at your own pace and you’ll never have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.

How to make an appointment

We are based in 12 GP practices across Argyll and Bute:

  • Campbeltown Medical Practice
  • Lochgilphead Medical Practice
  • Islay Medical Services
  • Bute Health Centre
  • Dr Halls and Partners, Dunoon
  • Church Street, Dunoon
  • Cowal Medical Practice
  • Millig Medical Practice, Helensburgh
  • Dr McLachlans and Partners, Helensburgh
  • Kintyre Medical Group
  • Carradale Medical Practice
  • Taynuilt Medical Practice

To make an appointment you can either:

  1. Speak to your GP receptionist 

  2. Email us