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Cooking and drawing up

Cocaine (coke, white)

Before you cook

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser gel
  • If possible, clean the surface you’re going to cook and draw up on
  • Get everything you need together in one place

See more ways to reduce your risk of infections.


  • Put a new, sterile cooker on a level surface – if you haven’t got a cooker you can use a clean spoon or a metal bottle top (take the plastic lining out first)
  • Chop the cocaine finely so there are no lumps and put a small amount into the cooker
  • Use a new, sterile barrel to draw up water and add it to the cooker – water from a sterile amp is best or you can use cooled boiled water
  • Attach a capped needle to the barrel
  • Stir the liquid in the cooker with the tip of the cap until everything has dissolved

Draw up

  • Drop a new filter into the cooker, uncap the needle and carefully stick it part way into the filter
  • Draw up slowly through the filter until all the liquid has gone
  • Tap the barrel and push the plunger gently to get rid of any air bubbles – never touch or lick the needle as this can cause infections

See some safer ways to use cocaine.

Amphetamine (speed, base)

Before you cook

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use antibacterial gel
  • If possible, clean the surface you’re going to cook and draw up on
  • Get everything you need together in one place

See more ways to reduce your risk of infections.


  • Put a new, sterile cooker on a level surface – if you haven’t got a cooker you can use a clean spoon or a metal bottle top (take the plastic lining out first)
  • Chop the amphetamine finely so there are no lumps and put a small amount into the cooker
  • Use a new, sterile barrel to draw up water and add it to the cooker – water from a sterile amp is best or you can use water that has been boiled then cooled
  • Attach a capped needle to the barrel
  • Stir the liquid in the cooker with the tip of the cap until everything has dissolved
  • If it doesn't dissolve you may need to add a pinch of vitamin C or citric.

Draw up

  • Drop a new filter into the cooker, uncap the needle and carefully stick it part way into the filter
  • Draw up slowly through the filter until all the liquid has gone
  • Tap the barrel and push the plunger gently to get rid of any air bubbles – never touch or lick the needle as this can cause infections

See some safer ways to use amphetamine.

Crack cocaine

Before you cook

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser gel
  • If possible, clean the place where you’re going to be cooking and drawing up
  • Get everything you need together in one place

See more ways to reduce your risk of infections.


  • Put a new, sterile cooker on a level surface – if you haven’t got a cooker you can use a clean spoon or a metal bottle top (take the plastic lining out first)
  • Put a small rock into the cooker
  • Add water using a new, sterile barrel – water from a sterile amp is best or you can use cooled boiled water
  • Add just enough citric or vitamin C to dissolve the rock
  • Attach a capped needle to the barrel
  • Stir the liquid in the cooker with the tip of the cap until everything has dissolved

Draw up

  • Drop a new filter into the cooker, uncap the needle and carefully stick it part way into the filter
  • Draw up slowly through the filter until all the liquid has gone
  • Tap the barrel and push the plunger gently to get rid of any air bubbles – never touch or lick the needle as this can cause infections

See some safer ways to use crack.

Heroin (H, brown)

Before you cook

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser gel
  • If possible, clean the place where you’re going to be cooking and drawing up
  • Get everything you need together in one place

See more ways to reduce your risk of infections.


  • Put a new, sterile cooker on a level surface – if you haven’t got a cooker you can use a clean spoon or a metal bottle top (take the plastic lining out first)
  • Chop the heroin finely and put a small amount into the cooker
  • Add water using a new, sterile barrel – water from a sterile amp is best or you can use cooled boiled water
  • Add just enough vitamin C or citric to dissolve the heroin
  • Gently heat the cooker from below with a lighter until the heroin has dissolved
  • Leave any stubborn bits – these are impurities not heroin
  • Attach a capped needle to the barrel

Draw up

  • Drop a new filter into the cooker, uncap the needle and carefully stick it part way into the filter
  • Draw up slowly through the filter until all the liquid has gone
  • Tap the barrel and push the plunger gently to get rid of any air bubbles – never touch or lick the needle as this can cause infections

Watch a video: Injecting heroin more safely

See some safer ways to use heroin.

Speedballs (injecting heroin and cocaine together)

Before you cook

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser gel
  • If possible, clean the place where you’re going to be cooking and drawing up
  • Get everything you need together in one place

See more ways to reduce your risk of infections.


  • Put a new, sterile cooker on a level surface – if you haven’t got a cooker you can use a clean spoon or a metal bottle top (take the plastic lining out first)
  • Chop the heroin finely and put a small amount into the cooker
  • Add water using a new, sterile barrel – water from a sterile amp is best or you can use cooled boiled water
  • Attach a capped needle to the barrel
  • Add just enough vitamin C or citric to dissolve the heroin
  • Gently heat the cooker from below with a lighter until the heroin has dissolved
  • Remove from heat and add a rock or powder cocaine and stir with the tip of the capped syringe
  • Add a pinch more vitamin C or citric if you need to but leave any stubborn bits – these are impurities not drugs

Draw up

  • Drop a new filter into the cooker, uncap the needle and carefully stick it part way into the filter
  • Draw up slowly through the filter until all the liquid has gone
  • Tap the barrel and push the plunger gently to get rid of any air bubbles – never touch or lick the needle as this can cause infections

How to use vitamin C or citric

To dissolve brown heroin or crack cocaine you need to add an acid like vitamin C (ascorbic acid) or citric.

You can get vitamin C or citric free from your local needle and syringe service.

Vitamin C and citric can both damage your veins because they’re acidic. If you've got a choice, use vitamin C as it’s less damaging for your veins.

Whichever one you choose, it’s important to use as little as possible.

One pinch (about one fifth of a sachet) should be enough to dissolve your hit.

The liquid doesn't need to be clear or free of bits. That's what the filter is for.

Leave any stubborn bits – these are impurities not drugs.

You can also buy vitamin C or citric acid powder from a pharmacy.

Buy brands that say ‘BP’ on the box. This means they don’t contain any other ingredients that may be harmful to inject.

Avoid other acids like lemon juice and vinegar because they can cause serious infections.

Avoid injecting pills

Injecting crushed pills raises your risk of collapsed veins and infections.

This is because:

  • it’s difficult to chop them finely enough
  • they often contain things that are OK to take by mouth but damaging to inject

Not all pills dissolve in water either.

The National Harm Reduction Coalition has more information about getting your hit ready.