Information for professionals

GPs and other healthcare professionals can refer patients to our NHS Talking Therapies service in Surrey.

Molly O Neill, Staff, Kent Mind And Body

About WithYou

WithYou is a charity commissioned to provide NHS Talking Therapies in Surrey. 

Our services are for people with mild to moderate depression and anxiety symptoms in primary care.

Who we work with

To access our services individuals must:

  1. Be age 17 and over

  2. Be registered with a Surrey GP

We work with people who are experiencing:

  • Depression and low mood
  • Insomnia
  • Stress
  • Panic and agoraphobia
  • Worry and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Phobias
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Health anxiety
  • Social anxiety
  • Long-term health conditions

Clients we're unable to support

We’re not a crisis service and therefore do not work with people who are experiencing a mental health crisis or who need a risk management service. 

We also do not accept referrals for people who are already engaging with another mental health service. 

How to refer

You can make a registration and book an appointment on your patient's behalf by completing this form:

Referral form

Individuals can refer themselves by completing the same online referral form. 

Alternatively, you can contact our team on 0300 012 0012 or use a secure NHS email account to email a referral form to us at